My name is Damian Daniels, I hail from Illinois and Missouri. My passion for painting started when I moved to Prescott, Arizona in 2014. I came out here to help a good friend open John Hancock Barbershop which started as a two-chair shop and has evolved into Founding Fathers - a premier social hub of Prescott, Arizona.

My interest in painting was inspired by a steady spiritual practice of meditation that began due to the feeling of isolation I experienced when I moved to Prescott. Through this practice, imagery would come to me that I felt lead to paint - whether about the powers of diving into the subconscious through meditation, or the spiritual climate of the times we live in. Our basic needs of connectivity to ourselves and others are being threatened by the rapid advance of technology. Although a great tool and ally, technology has become our greatest distraction and has disrupted and sometimes distorted our view of ourselves and others.

My art is a calling in to challenge people to explore the stillness within, to sit with yourself and listen to the intelligence of our body and of nature. There are laws other than the laws of man. There is the law of the Spirit and the law of Nature. If we balance these worlds our perception is clearer. I personally pulled myself out of the darkest of places through this journey. Really it is the only journey worth traveling in the end. Through this stillness you find not only your true nature - but you also find balance and harmony. Your actions become more effective and with better intention. What you put out to the world comes from a place of love and not fear and that is the most vital gift we can give.

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